New Sonnex Premises and Factory

FEBRUARY 2021: Our 2,400 square metre purpose-built factory in Adelaide was complete by our amazing team within six months!

AUGUST 2019: We moved into our new premises.

FEBRUARY 2019: The new Sonnex workshop started to take shape.

NOVEMBER 2018: Construction of the main workshop began. The Sonnex crew installed 8 bays of the 13 bay workshop in the first three days! With the towering structure visible from Philip Highway, the project was under way with locals stopping by to watch the action.

APRIL 2018: The fabrication workshop was complete and bursting with activity.

DECEMBER 2017: The new paint shed is complete and the larger fabrication workshop is well underway.

AUGUST 2017: We purchased our own piece of Adelaide land to construct a brand new factory, with attached fully refurbished office. Our new premised will be located at 9 Walsh Street, Elizabeth South, South Australia 5112.